
Powerful miner for AMD and Nvidia — maximum performance and flexible settings.

About lolMiner

lolMiner is a flexible mining software compatible with Windows and Linux. lolMiner supports several cryptocurrency algorithms, such as Ethash, Etc hash, Beam, and others. It is specifically optimized for Autolykos2 and Ethash, utilizing CUDA for Nvidia graphics cards and OpenCL for AMD graphics cards.

lolMiner, developed based on the Cuckoo Cycle and Equihash algorithms, has gained recognition for its ability to mine on multiple algorithms, including multitasking Ethash, Autolykos2, Beam, and Green.

What coins can lolMiner mine ?

lolMiner has the capability to mine a variety of coins employing algorithms like Ethash, KawPow, ProgPoW, MTP, Cuckatoo31, Cuckaroo29, Cuckaroo29s, Cuckaroo29w, Cuckatoo31+, and Cuckatoo32. This versatile miner opens up opportunities for mining coins such as Ethereum Classic, Ravencoin, ZelCash, Aion, VerusCoin, and many others. It’s crucial to acknowledge that the roster of mineable coins with lolMiner might evolve over time due to the emergence of new coins or the discontinuation of existing ones.

Here are some intriguing numerical facts:

Active workers


Active lolMiner users


Сryptocurrencies paid out


How to install lolMiner

Step 1: Preparation

Before you begin, make sure you have:

  • A computer with a GPU capable of mining.
  • A stable internet connection.
  • Installed drivers for your graphics card.

Step 2: Downloading lolMiner

  1. Download the latest version of lolMiner for Windows. Choose the archive with the .zip extension.
  2. Extract the downloaded archive to a directory of your choice, for example, C:\lolMiner.

Step 3: Creating a .bat File for Mining

  1. Open Notepad on your computer.
  2. Create a new text document and paste the following code:
lolMiner.exe --coin [coin_name] --pool [pool_address]:[port] --userpass [your_wallet_address].[worker_name]:[password]

Replace the following values:

  • [coin_name] – the name of the coin you want to mine.
  • [pool_address] – the mining pool address you want to connect to.
  • [port] – the port used by the pool.
  • [your_wallet_address] – your wallet address to receive coins.
  • [worker_name] – the name you want to assign to your mining worker.
  • [password] – the password (usually can be left empty).
  1. Save the file with a .bat extension, for example, mine.bat. Ensure the file type is set to “All Files” to save it as an executable file rather than a text file.

Step 4: Starting Mining

  1. Run the mine.bat file you created. This will launch lolMiner and begin the mining process according to the settings specified in the .bat file.
  2. You’ll see information about the mining process, including the hashrate and work statistics. Your computer will start mining the chosen coin.

Step 5: Monitoring and Optimization

  • To monitor the mining process, you can access http://localhost:3000 in your web browser to view local-level statistics if supported by your pool.
  • You can also adjust mining parameters in the .bat file to optimize performance.

Supports algorithms

Algorithm Fee %
Alephium 0.75
Autolykos V2 1.5
BeamHash III 1.0
Cuckoo 29 2.0
CuckarooD 29 2.0
CuckarooM 29 2.0
Cuckaroo 30 CTXC 2.5
Cuckatoo 31 2.0
Cuckatoo 32 2.0
Cuckaroo 29-32 1.0
Cuckaroo 29-40 1.0
Dual ETC + (KAS/ALEPH) 1.0 / 0.0
Dual ETH (ETHW) + (KAS/ALEPH) 1.0 / 0.0
Dual RTH + (ALEPH/GRAM/PYI/RXD) 1.0 / 0.75 - 1.0
Dual IRON + (ALEPH/GRAM/PYI/RXD) 1.0 / 0.75 - 1.0
Equihash 144/5 1.0
Equihash 192/7 1.0
Equihash 210/9 1.0
Etchash 0.7
Ethash (ETHW) 0.7
Ironfish 1.0
Kaspa 0.75
Karlsen 1.0
KarlsenV2 1.0
Nexa 2.0
Pyrin 1.0
PyrinV2 1.0
Radiant 0.75
Rethereum 1.0
ZelHash (Flux) 1.0 / 1.5

Dual Mining ETC+TON with lolMiner

Dual mining involves simultaneously mining two different cryptocurrencies using the same hardware, facilitated by mining software such as lolMiner.

Steps to Set Up Dual Mining with Ethereum Classic (ETC) and TON Using lolMiner:

  1. Run lolMiner:

    • Execute the following command:
      lolMiner.exe --algo Ethash --coinbase-addr [your ETC address] --dual-coin TON --dual-pool [TON pool server address] --dual-port [TON pool port number] --dual-user [TON pool username] --dual-pass [TON pool password]

      Replace [your ETC address][TON pool server address][TON pool port number][TON pool username], and [TON pool password] with the respective information for your Ethereum Classic and TON mining pools.

  2. Check Miner Status:

    • If configured correctly, the command prompt or terminal should display output indicating the miner’s connection to the Ethereum Classic and TON pools and the start of the mining process.
  3. Open Web Interface:

    • Open a web browser and navigate to, where you will see a web interface displaying the miner’s status and hash rate.
  4. Stop the Miner:

    • To stop the miner, press CTRL + C on the keyboard.


The system requirements for dual mining ETC and TON using lolMiner are as follows:

  • A computer with a supported GPU: lolMiner supports a wide range of NVIDIA and AMD GPUs, including newer models such as the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30 series and the AMD Radeon RX 6000 series.
  • A 64-bit version of Windows (7, 8, 8.1, 10) or Linux (Ubuntu 18.04 or later, Debian 9 or later, Fedora 29 or later) operating system.
  • A minimum of 8GB of RAM.
  • A stable internet connection with a minimum download speed of 1Mbps.
  • A minimum of 100GB of free storage space on your hard drive.
  • An Ethereum Classic client, such as Geth or Parity, if you want to solo mine ETC.
  • A power supply with a minimum of 800W to power your GPU(s).

Useful Information

Unlocking overclock settings for RLS 3060, 3070, 3080 LHR in HiveOS using lolMiner.


LolMiner & GMiner LHR ETH Unlock?? (Low Power?) Tested with RTX 3060

When compared to NBMiner, LolMiner and GMiner both boast a similar 65–69% unlock for ETH for the LHR cards in their most recent releases of their respective miners. They appear to be using less electricity now though! I’ll put that claim to the test with the Zotac Twin Edge OC RTX 3060! If you want to flash your AMD videocard, it’s better to use Atikmdag Patcher.

For LHR (Limited Hash Rate) GPUs, a 70% ETH Hashrate Unlock! It’s time to put my LHR EVGA 3080 and LHR Zotac 3060 Ti to the test! Does it genuinely fulfill its promise of a 70% FHR?

There was a HiveOS update, and LHR showed up in both miners, though it was not a great performance. In Gminer, it was possible to reduce consumption, though not in the best way; I noticed that when you reduced the power limit, the maximum range decreased. Perhaps this is where he gets an average and the 126 watts he mentions; hopefully, they will gradually fix this later, as I would prefer to keep my 2060’s higher efficiency over my 3060ti LHR. If you want to find all your rigs, you can use IP Repoter tools that can show you your miners IP.

RTX 3060 V2 ETH LHR Unlocker NBMiner VS GMiner VS MiniZ

When compared to NBMiner, LolMiner and GMiner both boast a similar 65–69% unlock for ETH for the LHR cards in their most recent releases of their respective miners. They appear to be using less electricity now though! I’ll put that claim to the test with the Zotac Twin Edge OC RTX 3060!

For LHR (Limited Hash Rate) GPUs, a 70% ETH Hashrate Unlock! It’s time to put my LHR EVGA 3080 and LHR Zotac 3060 Ti to the test! Does it genuinely fulfill its promise of a 70% FHR?

Releases (Changelog)

lolMiner 1.90


  • Added support to mine Heavyhash-Pyrin V2 on Nvidia GTX 1000, AMD RX 5000 and newer gpus. Use -a PYRINV2 to select the algorithm, fee is 1%.
  • Added dual mining support for Autolykos V2 + Pyrin V2, Karlsen V2 + Pyrin V2 and Fishhash + Pyrin V2 for Nvidia GTX 1000 and newer and AMD RX 6000 and newer GPUs. Use –dualmode PYRINV2DUAL to add Pyrin V2 mining to the existing configs for the mentioned host algorithms. (1) (2)
  • Already in 1.89, but undocumented: slightly improved Gram performance on some GPUs.


  • Fixed a bug making Pyrin V1 non available on 1.89
  • Fixed a bug causing Nvidia GTX 1000 cards to crash on Fishhash dataset generation.

Note / Known Issues

(1) On AMD cards we recommend setting a manual dualfactor for Autolykos V2 + Pyrin V2 mining to avoid frequent re-tuning of the dualfactors.
(2) On RDNA3 cards we saw some rejected shares of Pyrin V2 when mining Ergo / BlocX + Pyrin on some pools (but not on a stratum bridge). We are investigating why this is happening, but the code released was still way faster then the slower alternative not giving these rejects, so we decided to go on with it.

Update Instructions


Open console and write in it:

stop && wget && tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.90_Lin64.tar.gz && cp -adpR 1.90/lolMiner /app-data/miners/lolminer-1.89 && start


Open console and write in it:

wget && tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.90_Lin64.tar.gz && pidof -x SCREEN && miner stop || echo lolminer && cp -adpR 1.90/lolMiner $(ls -d1 /hive/miners/lolminer/*/ | tail -1) && miner start


Already up to date

lolMiner 1.89


  • Added support to mine Karlsenhash V2 on Nvidia Pascal and newer and AMD RX 5000 and newer. Use -a KARLSENV2 to mine it, fee is 1%.
  • Added support to dual mine Karlsen V2 and Autolykos V2 with Ton / Gram and similar. Use –dualmode TONDUAL for adding these dual options to the existing config.
  • Added support to mine BLOCX. BLOCX mining uses Autolykos V2 and can so be requested with -a AUTOLYKOS2 just as for Ergo mining. The different stratum of BLOCX is automatically detected and used when connected to a BLOCX pool.


  • Fixed issues mining Autolykos V2 (Ergo / BLOCX) for Nvidia Pascal and newer and AMD RX 5000 and newer gpus.


  • Updates to add Karlsenhash V2 and Autolykos V2 to older AMD cards is work in progress.

Open console and write in it:

stop && wget && tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.89_Lin64.tar.gz && cp -adpR 1.89/lolMiner /app-data/miners/lolminer-1.88 && start

Open console and write in it:

wget && tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.89_Lin64.tar.gz && pidof -x SCREEN && miner stop || echo lolminer && cp -adpR 1.89/lolMiner $(ls -d1 /hive/miners/lolminer/*/ | tail -1) && miner start

lolMiner 1.88


  • Significantly improved performance of Gram / Chapa mining on Nvidia Turing and newer gpus. Turing cards gain approximately 15%, Amperes even up to 22%). Note: because the new kernel also uses more energy, the old kernel is still available as an option by adding parameter –mode a. The new kernel can be found via –mode b and is default.
  • Significantly improved performance of dual mining Fishhash + Gram / Chapa mining on Nvidia Turing and newer gpus. Note: because the new kernel also uses more energy, the old kernel is still available as an option by adding parameter –mode a. The new kernel can be found via –mode b and is default.


  • Fixed a hashrate degradation on RDNA3 gpus mining Gram / Chapa introduced in 1.86
  • Fixed a bug causing dual mining Fishhash and Gram / Chapa not to work on AMD Vega and VII gpus. Note: this still needs manual set –dualfactor.

Open console and write in it:

stop && wget && tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.88_Lin64.tar.gz && cp -adpR 1.88/lolMiner /app-data/miners/lolminer-1.87 && start

Open console and write in it:

wget && tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.88_Lin64.tar.gz && pidof -x S

lolMiner 1.87

  • Fishhash: Significantly improved speed on AMD RX 470 – RX 590 series of gpus (by 30%), significantly improved speed on Nvidia CMP 170HX (by 8-9%)
  • Fishhash: Implemented new DAG build procedure for Nvidia Turing and up gpus, that will build a valid DAG even on higher memory OC. This significantly reduces the number of defect shares in this situation.
  • Pyrin: Improved Pyrin performance on Nvidia Turing and newer gpus by about 2%
  • Ton / Gram: Improved performance on Nvidia Turing and newer gpus by about 1-2%
  • Improved performance of Fishhash + Pyrin dual mining on Nvidia Turing and newer gpus by about +10% on the Pyrin side
  • Improved performance of Fishhash + Alephium dual mining on Nvidia Ampere and newer gpus by about -2% speed on Fishhash side, but +10% on Alephium side with auto tune, about +5% on Alephium side at same Fishhash speed with manual tuning
  • Added experimental support for Fishash + Gram / Ton dual mining for AMD Vega and VII GPUs. Might require manual setting of dual tuning ratio.
  • The Ton job interface can now connect to pools or bridges using Ton mode 5 with http, so not enforcing https.
  • Removed Blake3-Ironfish from visible algorithms. –algo IRONFISH will now redirect to FISHHASH.


  • Fixed a bug causing the display of defect shares when mining Ton / Gram with very high difficulty
  • Fixed missing of Ton / Gram mining on AMD Tonga, AMD Fiji and RX 460 (Baffin) series of GPU. Was accidentally removed in a previous release.

Known issues:

  • CMP cards might crash or display faulty device statistics when trying to set offset or memory lock clock settings via lolMiner. Please use your operating system functions to do so.

Open console and write in it:

stop && wget && tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.87_Lin64.tar.gz && cp -adpR 1.87/lolMiner /app-data/miners/lolminer-1.86 && start

Open console and write in it:

wget && tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.87_Lin64.tar.gz && pidof -x SCREEN && miner stop || echo lolminer && cp -adpR 1.87/lolMiner $(ls -d1 /hive/miners/lolminer/*/ | tail -1) && miner start

lolMiner 1.86

Note: In consideration of automatic update systems, we have decided to skip version number 1.85. The changes refer to 1.84.


  • Added support for FishHash including dual mining codes. Use -a FISHHASH to mine it. Fork for Ironfish will be April 2nd, 2024
  • Significantly increased Ton / Gram mining performance on all supported AMD GPUs.
  • Removed old Fishhash testing codes.
  • lolMiner will now accept –algo to be put in multiple times. The last occurrence will be the selected algorithm.


  • Fixed a bug causing high amount of pool rejected shares with AMD cards and Gram mining

Driver compatibility for Fishhash and Ton (Gram)

GPU TypeDriverDual Mining Capabilities for Fishhash
AMD RX 400, 50019.30+None
AMD RX Vega / VII22.40+None
AMD RX 500020.40+Aleph, Karlsen, Radiant, Ton/Gram
AMD RX 600020.40+Aleph, Karlsen, Pyrin, Radiant, Ton/Gram
AMD RX 700022.40+Aleph, Karlsen, Pyrin, Radiant, Ton/Gram
Nvidia GTX 10 / 16Cuda 11Aleph, Karlsen, Pyrin, Radiant, Ton/Gram
Nvidia RTX 20 / 30Cuda 11Aleph, Karlsen, Pyrin, Radiant, Ton/Gram
Nvidia RTX 40Cuda 12Aleph, Karlsen, Pyrin, Radiant, Ton/Gram


Open console and write in it:

stop && wget && tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.86_Lin64.tar.gz && cp -adpR 1.86/lolMiner /app-data/miners/lolminer-1.84 && start

Open console and write in it:

wget && tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.86_Lin64.tar.gz && pidof -x SCREEN && miner stop || echo lolminer && cp -adpR 1.86/lolMiner $(ls -d1 /hive/miners/lolminer/*/ | tail -1) && miner start

lolMiner 1.85 Beta

This release is intentionally flagged as a beta version. The reason is that some features are missing that would make it complete. See the list below. All the new additions that are mentioned have production grade quality though.


  • Significantly improved Gram hashrate on AMD RX 5000 and higher cards by almost 10%
  • Added support for mining the Fishhash mainnet. New parameter -a FISHHASH. This will automatically use the new Ironfish stratum format that is mandatory after the fork. Supported GPUs: Nvidia GTX 1000 series and newer, AMD RX 5000 series and new. Supported dual mining options with Alephium (ALEPHDUAL), Gram (TONDUAL) and Radiant (RXDDUAL).
  • Removed old Fishhash testing codes.


  • Fixed a bug causing high amount of pool rejected shares with AMD cards and Gram mining

Missing features

  • The dual mining codes of Fishhash and Ethash B3 with Karlsen and Pyrin can be buggy at the moment.
  • The Fishhash codes for AMD RX 400 / 500 and Vega generation cards are missing at the moment
  • The Gram codes for Intel GPUs as well as AMD RX 400 / 500 and Vega and ADA generation cards are missing at the moment, for ADA please use previous version 1.84

You can expect a full release with this issues fixed in 1st week of April.

Open console and write in it:

stop && wget && tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.85_beta_Lin64.tar.gz && cp -adpR 1.85_beta/lolMiner /app-data/miners/lolminer-1.84 && start

Open console and write in it:

wget && tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.85_beta_Lin64.tar.gz && pidof -x SCREEN && miner stop || echo lolminer && cp -adpR 1.85_beta/lolMiner $(ls -d1 /hive/miners/lolminer/*/ | tail -1) && miner start

lolMiner 1.84


  • Improved Ton / Gram mining performance by 15-18% on AMD RDNA 1-3 and NVIDIA Pascal and newer GPUs
  • Added EthashB3 + Ton dual mining via –dualmode TONDUAL
  • Added support to mine Gram on – the https endpoint will be detected automatically, but the mode also can be selected manually by using –ton-mode 5


  • Fixed a bug causing Ton / Gram mining not to work on Cuda 11 drivers
  • Fixed a bug causing Ton / Gram mining to not work on newer AMD drivers

To update HiveOS:

wget && tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.84_Lin64.tar.gz && pidof -x SCREEN && miner stop || echo lolminer && cp -adpR 1.84/lolMiner $(ls -d1 /hive/miners/lolminer/*/ | tail -1) && miner start

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