Options supported by lolMiner

General Options

Parameter Description
-h [ --help ] Help screen
--config arg (=./lolMiner.cfg) Config file
--json arg (=./user_config.json) Config file in Json format
--profile arg Profile to load from Json file
--nocolor [=arg(=on)] (=off) Disable colors in output
--basecolor [=arg(=on)] (=off) Use 16 colors scheme for non-rgb terminals
--list-coins List all supported coin profiles
--list-algos List all supported algorithms
--list-devices List all supported & detected GPUs in your system
-v [ --version ] Print lolMiner version number

Mining Options

Parameter Description
-a [ --algo ] arg The algorithm to mine.
-p [ --pool ] arg Mining pool to mine on.
Format: :
-u [ --user ] arg Wallet or pool user account to mine on
--pass arg Pool user account password (Optional)
--tls arg Toggle TLS ("on" / "off")
--dns-over-https arg (=1) Toggle DNS over HTTPS.
0=default DNS only
1=DoH with default DNS as backup (default)
2=DNS over HTTPS enforced
--devices arg The devices to mine on.
Values: ALL / AMD / NVIDIA or a comma-separated list of incidences.
--devicesbypcie [=arg(=on)] (=off) Interpret --devices as list of PCIE BUS:SLOT pairs
--pers arg The personalization string. Required when using --algo for Equihash algorithms.
--keepfree arg (=5) Set the number of MBytes of GPU memory that should be left free by the miner.
--benchmark arg The algorithm to benchmark
--socks5 proxyPool:proxyPort For Socks5 connection
-c [ --coin ] arg The coin to mine. This is an alternative to --algo that sets both the algorithm and the personalization string for Equihash coins. (old)
--max-latency From v1.53: If the pool share latency is above this value and failover pools are configured, the miner will terminate the connection and connect to the next failover pool.

Statistics Options:

Parameter Description
--apiport arg (=0) The port the API will use
--apihost arg (= The host binding the API will use
--longstats arg (=60) Long statistics interval
--shortstats arg (=15) Short statistics interval
--statsformat arg (=default) Format for long statistics. Use --help-format to get an overview of available fields.
--hstats [=arg(=0)] (=-1) Select stats to be drawn in a horizontal manner for each GPU. The number overwrites the terminal width detection.
--vstats [=arg(=0)] (=0) Select stats to be drawn in a vertical manner for each GPU (default). The number overwrites the terminal width detection.
--help-format [=arg(=1)] Format description for --statsformat
--digits arg Number of digits in hash speed after delimiter
--timeprint [=arg(=on)] (=off) Enables time stamp on short statistics ("on" / "off")
--compactaccept [=arg(=on)] (=off) Enables compact accept notification
--log [=arg(=on)] Enables printing a log file ("on" / "off")
--logfile arg Path to a custom log file location

Algorithm Split Options & Dual Mining Options:

Parameter Description
--dualmode arg (=none) Dual mode used. Allowed options: none, zil, zilEx, eth, etc, D-SPLIT, KASPADUAL, ALEPHDUAL,...
--dualpool arg Pool configuration for extra connection, Format :<url>:<port>
--dualuser arg Username or wallet address for the extra connection
--dualpass arg Password for the extra connection (Optional)
--dualworker arg (=eth1.0) Separate worker name for the 2nd connection.
--dualtls arg Toggle TLS ("on" / "off") for the 2nd connection.
--dualdevices arg Split rule for etc and beam split mode. Use a comma separated list of indexes or "4G" (default).
--dualfactor arg Solver will be dualfactor * Eth/Etc hash rate. For example, if the factor is 25 and the Eth hash rate is 59.5 mh/s, the dual hash rate will be 25 times 59.5 mh/s = 1487.5 mh/s. The maximum dual factor is 64, a value of 0 disables dual mining on the GPU.

Managing Options:

Parameter Description
--watchdog arg (=script) Specify which action to take when a card is detected to be crashed.
"off": Continue working on remaining cards. No action.
"exit": Exit the miner with exit code 42 to ask for a restart. Recommended for Nvidia cards.
"script": Call an external script. Default and recommended for AMD cards.
--watchdogscript arg Specify which script to be executed when a hung GPU is detected
--singlethread [=arg(=-1)] (=-2) Enable single mining thread mode for all GPUs (-1) or for a specific GPU id.
--tstart arg (=0) Minimal temperature for a GPU to start in degree C. If set to 0 disables restart below a fixed temperature.
--tstop arg (=0) Temperature to pause or stop a GPU from mining in degree C. If set to 0 disables stop above a fixed temperature.
--tmode arg (=edge) Mode for temperature management. Use "edge" (default), "junction" or "memory" to set the mode for temperature management.
--ergo-prebuild arg (=-1) Disable (0) or Enable (1) the function of pre-building the dataset for Ergo. -1 refers to the card default.

Overclock Options:

Parameter Description
--cclk arg (=*) The core clock used for the GPUs. Cards are separated with a comma. "*" can be used to skip a card.
--coff arg (=*) The core offset used for the GPUs. Cards are separated with a comma. "*" can be used to skip a card.
--mclk arg (=*) The memory clock only used for KASPA/ALPH to reduce Watts with value 810. "*" can be used to skip a card.
--moff arg (=*) The memory offset used for the GPUs. Cards are separated with a comma. "*" can be used to skip a card.
--pl arg (=*) The power limit used for the GPUs. Cards are separated with a comma. "*" can be used to skip a card.
--fan arg (=*) The % of the fan used for the GPUs. Cards are separated with a comma. "*" can be used to skip a card.
--no-oc-reset To avoid resetting the overclock settings applied when ending the miner.
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